Basic information

Payment information

Personal Data Processing Authorization

In application of the Statutory Law 1581 of two thousand twelve (2012) and the Decree 1377 of two thousand thirteen (2013) and other norms that modify, regulate or add them, I hereby authorize to THE UNIVERSIDAD DEL ROSARIO, a non-profit private institution of higher education, with the academic character of University, located at calle 12 C No 6 - 25 in the city of Bogotá DC, with legal status recognized by resolution number 58 of September 16, 1895 issued by the Ministry of Government, to collect, store, use, circulate or delete the personal data that I have voluntarily provided as part of the registration process for this event

I understand that the use of these data will be limited to the previously established purposes and those indicated in the personal data protection policy of UNIVERSIDAD DEL ROSARIO and that the due protection will be guaranteed by the adoption of adequate and sufficient technical and administrative measures. I declare that I am aware of my right to request, at any time, that part of all the information provided be updated or deleted and that my information is eliminated from the databases of UNIVERSIDAD DEL ROSARIO.